This section really helped me

When I first came on to the old forum I was looking through the work and school section and I was AMAZED by how many people with Sz were going to school…

I was told I would always be too ill… and not able to give it a try…

I had a doc tell me that even trying school would send me over the edge… don’t even think about it… people with this illness don’t stand a chance.

The discussions I got form the old forum section about the student with disabilities office and how to apply… and what to expect… and how many were doing well… encouraged me to go for it

I’m in my second year… part time… I’m taking classes that will help me get sideways on the ladder. (Horticulture) so I can transfer to the greenhouses and nurseries.

Also there used to be more discussion about SSI… how to apply … getting case workers visiting nurses… ACT teams…

It was more of a forum for us AND caregivers… I liked that about the old forum too.

I’m hoping with this section back… we can help others and ourselves navigate the more day to day part of coping.

It’s nice to see this one back… I hope others who see this section will be as inspired to strive as much as this section on the old forum helped me.

Thank you.


I am glad your doing very well in life because you seem like a very good person. Better than I. :smile:

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Thank you for that… It’s been a long road… little by little.

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I am daily new here, and am surprised how many people are in school. It´s a useful support system. I was told by one counceller to just drop everything and take walks in the park instead. What a way to kill a dream of ever having a life.
So now I am half way through an Economics degree, I find everyone on here really helpful. I am glad it exists.


Failure sucks and you should never be guided towards it especially by people that are specifacally paid to guide you away from it.

thats great that you are doing great!