This morning when I went to take my pills

I got out my yogurt and popped the pills out of my blister pack. Looked at the pills and realized they were my night pills. I assumed that I had popped out the wrong ones but it was an error by my pharmacy! So glad I didn’t accidentally take them! They have always been awesome! Oops


“Saved by the bell”

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oops is right. I know mistakes happen, but it’s kinda scary.


Yea, pharmacy errors do scare me a bit.

I always double check my pills.

I even check that the pill itself is labelled as said in the sheet inside.

And expiry date.

I get a bit like that.


I once had a pharmacy that gave me the wrong medicine altogether. I wasn’t even prescribed that med at all. I never went back to that pharmacy


One time the U.S. Postal Service accidentally delivered a a Rx to me that was meant for an address one street over. I didn’t initially notice because the Rx package was from the same mail order pharmacy that I use. I only realized the mistake after I opened the package and it contained psych meds for someone else. I brought the opened package over to the correct address and gave it to the guy who answered the door and I apologized for having opened it.

Then, some months later, my doorbell rings. I open the door and there was that same neighbor guy with a pharmacy package that was accidentally delivered to his address by the USPS. Fortunately, he hadn’t opened the package. The package contained my psych meds. :flushed:


yea i had that happen once too… they gave my mum the wrong med, she had to go change it again.


It’s scary because if you’re not paying attention, you can get very hurt if it’s the wrong thing for you


yea true… it’s good thing the box looked completely different…