There was this guy that showed up at our assisted living center, and he was huge. He looked like he could play on the offensive line on a college football team. Then he went to another assisted living center for a while, and when he came back to us he was a smaller, regular proportioned guy. A couple of people commented on the change. I didn’t think it was the same guy. He seemed like a more likable guy when he wasn’t so big. Apparently, he has some way of manipulating his med’s so that he could bulk up very quickly. I noticed that he was consuming large amounts of sugar. Maybe he was somehow triggering an insuline reaction that made him bulk up. I think I was inadvertently doing the same thing for a while. I’m addicted to sugar. I really don’t know what the deal is with this guy. He might trigger a heart attack.
Steroids maybe?
I don’t think so, but I have noticed a couple of guys who looked like they had increased in physical prowess. It had a marked effect. Personally, I’ve been consuming way too much sugar. It encases your heart in fat. Very difficult for surgeons to remove, not that they would give open heart surgery to a bum like me.
I don’t know about sugar encasing one’s heart, but I do know you shouldn’t refer to yourself as a “bum”.
You’re right. I shouldn’t.
That is weird, he shrunk
He’s fairly tall - about 6’2", and it is a lot more noticeable when he has bulked up.
My friend who is 6’6 was very bulky … like he did a lot weight training… worked our daily etc. and he got smaller when he stopped and was swimming a lot. So maybe it’s because he wasn’t training a lot
[quote=“crimby, post:1, topic:243530”]
I’m addicted to sugar.
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