This is for the wiser people on this site

Does, your wisdom with age…help you to figure out that you are delusional.


Yes, getting older helped me to recognize my delusions.


Wow, I didn’t know that…I thought that your delusions…are equal with your wisdom with age.

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What happened for me was that the older I got the more I realized my delusions weren’t happening until I finally stopped believing them.

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qp|| The Ageless Wisdom Began Whispering Melodies To The Moon In The Sun’s Eye. |||+|||

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Older people being wiser is a natural assumption. What you do for a living, your net worth and net income is what really matters.

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I hate to say this but sometimes it does help with wisdom gained from age, but it also depends on how realistic the delusion is. Some delusion or hallucinations can be extremely realistic that is when a person wisdom from age fails them.

Sorry If I seem to be a party poop-per… , But even I sometimes am baffled and over whelmed by a delusion / hallucination.

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my take is, as you get older, the brain has time to work out the bad receptors , you have damage schizophrenia, no brain damage. this has a long recover time, and you have normal people delusional and schizophrenia delusional. both are allways around it that we get more laid back or passive that it dose become a mind blowing as if we ware young.

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As you get older things you’ve learned in your life kind of coalesce in your mind and I think that contributes to becoming wiser.

With age has come the ability to use logic against my hallucinations and delusions. Rattlesnakes are not residents of the Cincinnati area, so when I see one, it is not there.
My voice claiming to be God, can’t be God if it is asking me to do non-Biblical things. This God is not directing me to do violence toward others.

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Hi @Michael_Smith.


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Welcome to the forum. Michael_Smith. :smiley: :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum @Michael_Smith

Glad to have you with us.

Hope to see you around the forum.

I’m only wise if I stay away from alcohol. With that in mind, delusion wise, I can spot things like paranoia or somatic delusions a lot better if no beer is involved.


IDK if it’s wisdom or not but at age 60 I don’t see so much stuff as black & white. I know it’s a cliché but now I can see more things in life in shades of grey. I also seem to be more tolerant of people.

When it comes to schizophrenia, starting around my mid forties, my symptoms became less intrusive and intense. I’ve seen this in other people too. I actually have the peace of mind sometimes that I craved throughout most of my illness.


I agree, but you still get delusional with more wisdom with age…but I know it makes you cope better.

I think I’ve just stuck around so long that I wore my schizophrenia out. I outlasted the worst of it. Sure, I still have delusions but some went away too.

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Yes, I agree but some people still have delusions when they age.

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hey nick, hey i need a new delusion i am missing them.


Let me dig out a couple of my best ones and I’ll mail them ASAP for you to use.