This is a watercolour painting I did a while back

That’s interesting, I can’t see it but okay.

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A human face … 15

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This reminds me of a joke. A man was in therapy with his pdoc, and the doctor was showing him ink blots, and the man was supposed to say what he saw in the ink blot. So the doctor showed him the first ink blot and asked the man what he saw. The man said he saw a naked woman. The doctor showed him another ink blot and the man said he saw a man and a woman having sex. The doctor showed him another ink blot, and the man said he saw a bunch of people in an orgy. Then the doctor said, “Every one of these you said was about sex. You must have a dirty mind.” The man answered, “Well, doc, you’re the one showing dirty pictures.”

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Very cool watercolour.

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I dont know but I like your style :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Haha and I like your answer :relieved:

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very beautiful…I did an abstract of flowers once too…yours is better.


I’m sure yours is beautiful too. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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