This heart surgeon says vaping is safe screw what my doctors says

This heart surgeon says vaping safer, the science says so. I believe him, i never had problem with vaping. The all the information out there saying vaping is bad as smoking is misleading is not true. Vaping is way safer than smoking.

Vegetable glycerin. Not Propylene Glycol. No idea what heavy metals are in that.

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Glycerin is a sugar alcohol derived from animal products, plants or petroleum. says online is considered safe. do you vape

There are many chemicals even with vaping, so I respectfully disagree that vaping is safe. But, I respect your right to do what you want

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I respect your opinion, i really believe vaping is great alternative to smoking not the best but less harmful, I never cough i breath alot better after i quit. I even get my lungs check there good.

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Vegetable glycerin is from vegetables.

I don’t vape, just something I’m interested in within a recovery context.

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thats natural, smoking is combustible stuff, cause cancer kills 500,000 people a year thats crazy deaths of vaping are like 4 a year ands that from illegal juices that contain vitamin e actate not from regulated e juices.

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Id go the no nic route in hopes you get bored and stop vaping eventually.

There are water flavorings that may be tastier than vape.

look at he experiment they do, with ecigerettes compared to cigarettes with cotton, you can tell a huge difference, smoking leaves so much stuff in your lungs thats why is the number one preventable deaths in america.


Inhaling any foreign substance into your lungs is not good. It might be “safer” than smoking, but it’s still not good. And the only reason there aren’t more deaths, is because vaping is still relatively new. There isn’t as much research on the effects it has on your body. But I’m not gonna tell you what to do – you’re a grown ass man who can make his own decisions.


im not worried at all, im going quit all together one day maybe in 10 years or so.

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That’s fine. I do vape, too (CBD flower). So I’m no saint, either. But I know it’s not good for me. I only vape once a day though.

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vaping is not bad, why do you feel bad about vaping. at least you not smoking 7000 chemicals in your lungs.

Because inhaling anything into your lungs is bad. I just vape flower because it helps with my sz symptoms. I’d rather do that, than take a benzo and get hooked on them.