This flat feels like a prison

I hate being here alone all day while hubby is obsessing over building another computer and getting his car fixed :expressionless: the living room has bits of computer everywhere
Im in bed pretending to enjoy my ecig and fed up :grimacing:
He spent a lot on computer parts and then drives into a wall a couple of days later. Always the way, sods law.


Nice rug and TV.

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Thank you, mostly everything is second hand or given to us

But everywhere a mess because computer everywhere ugh :expressionless:

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Maybe that is the best she can do. Don’t judge. :elephant::elephant::elephant:


so sorry. tell him to pick up after himself before he leaves again.

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Thats not too bad. Ive been waaay messier lol. Just accept it and you wont stress as much about it


nice computer. i love computers.


You as well. He’s busy putting it all together now :+1:

you need stimulants. pdocs would prescribe anfhetamines to us but they bomb dopamine and serotonine i think. ginkgo biloba is good. coffee.

Ask him to pick up the computer bits and put it into a container.

One simple thing to make things better.

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