Last night around midnight I started getting a terrible headache. I slept a bit fitfully.
This morning headache was still there but I felt utterly exhausted. Feeling warm to the touch also. Zero cough, zero loss of taste. In addition the nhs website says flu comes on very quickly so am sure it is flu
I am due my depot today but have left a message saying best to cancel it to a later date. There is room to manoeuvre when it comes to the repeat dosing of depots so there is no rush.
Do you folks think I did the right thing to contact my team regarding getting my depot. The injection gets done in a health centre - don’t want to go in there if I am sick
I’d ask for that to get you through then. Hopefully you’re better soon. With flu, there’s usually a runny nose and sneezing. Do you have that? Do you have chills?
The main difference between a flu and covid is that covid lasts longer and symptoms are more severe. Also cough is the most common symptom for covid. Flu lasts a day for me but covid has been lasting 11 days so far.
Only symptoms are headache, exhaustion, aches and pains and slight temperature (not total high fever though). The main two symptoms are headache and exhaustion
Hugs and love, @anon94176359. I hope you get better soon. Calling your depot nurse was the right thing to do. You might want to get a covid test just in case.
Just a quick update. Am feeling a lot better now. Headache is gone as has the temperature. The official advice says because I had a temp I need to self isolate for ten days.
My health team are liaising with my consultant about the best thing to do about getting me my depot (was due today)
Still have slight headache this morning. But the major symptom is fatigue. Subjectively don’t feel hot but don’t have a thermometer.
For some reason when I put my details in the government website to get a test it can’t find my details and says I have to go to a drive thru testing station.
Thing is i don’t have a car and am not allowed to get a taxi.
Man this is a mess and I don’t know what to do
Ps starting this morning I have had a tickily cough