My grandmother says,”Well, I swan!”
My uncle says,”What in the Sam Hell are you doing?”
My fifth grade teacher used to say “holy jumping jahosaphats!”
things my grandmothers used to say… “this too shall pass”
“if it’s not sinful or fattening or bad for your health it’s not any fun !!”
The lady in human resources at Sears used to say: “Okey Dokey,
When us kids used to put too much food on our plate during a meal my mom would say, “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”
My grandfather used to always say “Smooth move exlax!” to people who cut him off on the road when he was driving.
He also said “What am I, chopped liver?” a lot.
He was hilarious LOL!
When my dad would see someone who wasn’t that good looking he would say, “That guy has a face only a mother could love.”
When me or my sisters would cry over some little incident my dad would say, “Geeez, when I was in the Navy the guy next to me got his head blown off and didn’t even say a word.”
Or his favorite about incompetent people: “That guy doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.”
c’est la vei say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell?
If I told my mother I was bored and wanted something, she’d tell me “You can have a fart to fiddle with, a bucket to jump in, and a bent tack to play the trumpet on”
Mother used to say “merciful heavens”. That was when I was very young.
My GF’s family friend Cleet used to say “Are you a smart feller or a fart smeller?”
My high school friend Pat used to tell me his dad told him he was turning into a Gee-Gok.
My Dad said that one a lot @77nick77. He also said “I got me eye on ya!”.
pops said an empty can rolling down the street makes more noise than a full one
That’s funny
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