Things that you didn't realize were "old"

Well, I was just smacked in the face with my age.

Guns and Roses on the “classic” channel on Amazon music. Yikes.

And I didnt realize that Ice Ice Baby is 32 years old this year.


Have you seen Axle Rose lately? He sure is looking really old.

I used to have a huge crush on him.

Oh, yeah. He’s definitely aged. So has Sebastian Bach.

You know who still looks absolutely hot? Brett Micheals!


Oooh, I just had a look at Brett. Very nice :blush:

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Meow, right?

I also don’t mind Bon Jovi.


I face my own mortality whenever I reference a meme “everyone” knew back in the day, and someone younger than me gives me a puzzled look.

Same with actors, films and music.
A friend of mine is only 24 but is mature beyond her years.
Her not knowing of anything that was popular before 2010 is the only thing that reminds me she’s not a millenial

I can relate. For some reason all of my frie ds are 10 years younger. I will mention something and get a blank look. Then I’m like… "Oh yeah, I was partying while you were in kindergarten. I had my first home while you were playing dodgeball and eating crayons. Shi… "


People younger than me
don’t know about Walkman and cassettes


I tried explaining recording music to my kids. They were just like… Ok.



I feel old when I see photos of my nephew.

Not ancient though.

Just getting older


I’m not old I’m just middle aged and when I or should I say if I reach senior citizen’s level of life I’m going to be one funny sucker lol! Smacking my jaws with no teeth probably since I don’t properly take care of my teeth, and telling the youngsters what the psych ward and jail were like back in the day, and all the trouble I got into. Dang- getting old ain’t all that bad.

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Tell a youngster what a VHS tape is…that’ll blow their mind!


I’m going to do all the bad things when I’m old and not care. I always say I’m going to be the old lady that bites people in the nursing home.


That’s funny- I’ve lived in retirement communities and the old folks there were a hoot!

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I used to work as a rehab tech and CNA in memory care and long term. You come across all kinds.


Oh yeah- we’re all just people so we come in many different flavors. Some of the old timers were nice, some not so nice but I always understood that they earned to be however it was because not all of us get the chance to grown older.

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Eh, I don’t think anyone earns the right to be a dick to anyone. People can be entitled brats no matter what age. I just plan to be a silly old biddy. I wouldn’t actually bite anyone, i know what it’s like to have to deal with that.

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Yeah- I had a abusive father and learned not to take anything too personally even though my mental illness makes me want to take things personally sometimes. Mean old crusty folks give me a chuckle.

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I lnow that feeling - trying not to take things personally but the MI challenges that.

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the rolling stones have a “60” tour this year…they’ve been a band as long as I’ve been alive…that’s old…haha

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