My brothers been staying at my place. It was some peace off mind knowing i had a peacefull place to come home to. I believe he tried to take it over and turn it into a drug house. I had to confront him and threaten to call the police. He is one of my best fri8 and im not sure if i did it right. I met a girl w/sz . the first pretty girl ive met with sz, the first person/ friend ive ever met with sz. We clicked so well. I can talk to her like i can talk to no one else. I dreamt about her the night before were going to meet up. I love her oersonality. I basically fell in love with her. We went out. I told her to come by and she did , but i think to see my bro. She apparently was flirting with him. So fustrating. Broke my heart a little bit. I cant shake these voices in my head telling me im a loser. They get louder when they start getting to me. I grew up pretty bad. A lot of negative stuff spoken over me. I guess im doing ok now. I pressed through it and still havent given up through it all. Im stil apprehensive about going home and having to confront my brother and his gorlfriend. If there still there. Maybe ill see the girl again, maybe we were just supposed to be friends, idk. Ive been having outburst all day. Thankfully they havent been directed at anyone even though its mostly been about certain people
Hey, sounds like your bro might be cramping your style or she was just being nice bc he was your bro, I’d keep trying with her, stay friends at least, you need your own time as well.
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Hey, her actions say more about her, than you. I know it’s hard to find someone these days but you don’t need a girl like her.
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