They’re reporting me to the police again

Someone called me names so I got angry and attacked them.

I understand its wrong but bullying ain’t nice either

Really couldn’t contain yourself?

i’ve always been like that

Oh no @Crystal-Cotton . You’ve got to learn to control that temper. Haven’t you ever heard the saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”? You can’t let someone egg you on into committing violent acts. You have to stop with the threats and the violence. You are digging yourself a hole.


jeez louise 15155151515

I haven’t threatened anyone

You threatened your pdoc…

A therapist might be able to teach you how to control your anger

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yeah i wish i had a real therapist

yes but only once

Why can’t you get one?

I’m scared of ending up in court again

Well, that ship has probably sailed. You need to concentrate on not committing any further offences in the future. I would say that there is a good chance that you will end up in court. Nothing that you can do about that now.


I wont commit any offences anymore

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And you say your symptoms are mild ?


You’re going to have people calling you names or bugging you occasionally all throughout your life. You have to find a better, non-violent way to deal with it than attacking them. Or else you are going to have major problems the rest of your life and probably end up in jail. There’s other ways besides violence of dealing with rude or obnoxious people.


They bully you , so you decide to lower yourself to their level and worse , attack them

Like what way? (1515)

Yes they are mild

No they are not.