I see someone this Thursday. Hopefully they can tell me why my thoughts and feelings are so unstable.
You’re in a crisis right now ish, your father is ill and your body is responding to that stress. You’ll be better, don’t worry.
My mum has enough problems I can’t afford to get ill too. My grandmother her own mother my father and let’s hope not me too
You probably won’t need to go to the hospital or anything, just damage control with your pdoc and adjustment in medication. Try not to worry too much, you’ll be fine. You’ve been fine so far.
@Minnii always knows what to say
She is so right, you are under more stress, because of what is happening with your Father.
Take this time to slow down a bit and make sure you stay in close contact with your doctor (medication adjustments)
Dont be so hard on yourself, you are under a lot more stress.
Thanks @Minnii and @Wave I don’t know how much worse I’d be if it weren’t for the support of this forum. Thankfully I’m not depressed because I hate that feeling.
We’re here for you!
Do I seem psychotic from my posts I really hope I’m making sense
No, you don’t seem psychotic. You seem in stress, but not psychotic. You’re making perfect sense.