Then she got worse

Topic speaks for itself. Switched off Lexapro, started Zoloft (thanks @Leaf & @Hanna_Foxx for the suggestion). No effect at 50mg but few side-effects so probably gonna go up.

Psychosis landed me in emerg. I stopped sleeping and eating and bathing. No energy. Really flat. Very paranoid. Shadows moving. Intrusive thoughts. The music at work was talking to me again. Had to leave myself a note to remind me that my phone wasn’t reading my thoughts. Wanted to build a faraday cage for my bedroom to protect myself from wifi & satellites.

Still no DX but I’m starting on Seroquel. I slept for the first time in… a couple weeks at least. Probably more like a month. Not sure how it’s helping, but I’ve been too sleepy to cut so I guess that’s something :upside_down_face:

I keep hearing BPD a lot. Not sure how I feel about that. I’ve also heard schizotypal personality disorder. I’m not a pdoc so who knows.Trying to work on a recovery plan.

I left to quit smoking, but it turns out that smoking may have eneded up quitting me haha :sweat_smile: Anyways just an update. I might not be as active in future but I’ll still be around :v:


Hey. It’s journey for sure!

Don’t worry about the diagnosis that shite will sort itself out. Worry about meeting those symptoms with something that works! I’d say they are saying possibly bpd because your reactions were extreme. That could be indicative but it’s early days yet! You need some meds and seroquel isn’t bad. Can be sedating but your getting some sleep is a good thing!

Hang in there and keep on taking the meds. It’ll all sort itself out. Glad your back! Hope your on the upward spiral!


Thanks friend :slight_smile: I honestly don’t know if I’m spiraling up or down lol but I am still hanging on, for sure!

You’re right, I shouldn’t worry too much about boxes. Oh well, we’ll have to see what happens. It is what it is, right?


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