The voices tonight won't stop

I keep hearing them in the tv and outside. I took my meds I’m semi sleepy. Does sleeping stop them. All ■■■■■■■ day. I don’t want to blame it on haldol.


so sorry…at least you realize it’s the voices.


I used to take haldol and it made me worse. Even listening to music didn’t drown out the voices (it usually does but music increases visual hallucinations in me, not sure why). There was never a break from the neighbors (my voices) and remember I had to keep my head really still while watching tv because I was hallucinating them outside the windows of my house and I didn’t want them to notice me noticing them. I even at night would see a spider in my bed that would change size, the only reason I realized it wasn’t real was because it would grow bigger while crawling out from under my pillow.

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I’ve already given up on haldol. I can’t deal with the loudness. I see my pdoc on Halloween. Sounds like it just didn’t help up. Are taking haldol still. ■■■■

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I hope they get you meds that work. You don’t deserve to suffer like that…I’m sorry

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r the voices loud? try recording it.

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