It doesn’t matter.
The truth is stupid.
You don’t need it really.
The truth doesn’t help at all.
It doesn’t make anything better or easier.
Truth sucks and it’s completely useless.
It doesn’t matter.
The truth is stupid.
You don’t need it really.
The truth doesn’t help at all.
It doesn’t make anything better or easier.
Truth sucks and it’s completely useless.
What is truth these days anyway?
So many people don’t believe want I think to be true…
I can’t get over what others believe to be true…
it’s subjective… it’s perception.
the truth is the story that gets constructed to knit facts together…
Columbus… American hero? or Genocidal monster?
The truth swings too and fro… the facts are what remains.
The truth is a matter of perspective, and consensus between majorities.
Truth is a common sense and we all know how cruel it can be.
Btw I grumpy pans
Truth is a matter of perspective, we’ve all gone mad if we are saying ■■■■ like that.
As if there were no such thing as a fact any of the time.
Well I think that a fact is not the same as truth. Not in operation mode at least.
When was the last time you heard from religious communities to use a ‘fact’ ? What about political leaders?
The most harm has been done when they mistaken the truth as a fact.
That is like when my mother tells me; " the fact is Sara that you are…".
No, that’s not a fact. That’s your distorted truth trying to infiltrate my mind and eat it.
Nah, thats not truth, truth is fact, thats just her opinion based on random arse desires.
When someone says, ‘the fact is that you have an illness …’. That is one thing. Pure and objective.
But if someone says ’ The truth is that you have an illness’. That is a suggestion made to invade your essence, your existence, to define you, to own you with that word.
( I strongly believe in a power of language but not in mystical sense - only in the terms of ideology and symbolism.)
Words matter. We wouldn’t have a stigma if the language was neutral per se.
I am deeply impressed by the truths given by Buddhism. I won’t elaborate.
People used to be fond of saying “the truth is relative.” Or “It is only a matter of opinion.” Philosophers tried to find the truth until Wittgenstein came along. There are spiritual truths in Christianity and other religions.People like to say “Who are you going to listen to?” Or “It’s all lies and hogwash.”
The truth doesnt make a noise
I just want higher sentience, strong awareness of surroundings and the ability to meditate into nirvanas. I’m basically a hedonist and can’t escape reality, as hard as I used to try.
I love the visuals & sounds of nature. I love music. I love other things which shouldn’t be mentioned, but needless to say my ‘wants’ have become “needs” now. Pleasure addicted. Could be a symptom of med detoxing (?) but we’ll see sooner or later. Life is feeling positive.
Yes, thanks for mentioning that!
The only person who ever spoke the Truth was Siddhartha Gautama. He was pretty brute about things. He did not promise any God, or Destiny, or Rites, or Rituals. Neither did he promise you anything. He just said the reality as it is. Take it or leave it. He did not offer any candies of Heaven or Punishment of Hell for what he said.
He just said the reality as it is - There is Suffering in life.
It is the hardest religion to follow, Believe me in that !. There is no prayer. There is noone to turn to in times of crisis but yourself.
The only and the last sentence he ever said which again was/Is the Brutal truth is “Look Within yourself. Dont look outside for any help” cause you aint gonna get anything. The only truth is Within.
The truth is that my life is pretty good despite having SZ. Maybe it’s time for you to search for a different truth.
Please look at the Dhammapada.
In a moment of conscience, looking for integrity, Wittgenstein gave away his fortune and turned to teaching children.
You can’t handle the truth homes
What ever makes you happy
What is is only when it is. Thereafter it only was. LW. Great seer.
The truth is different to each person. Martin finds truth in buddhism. I find truth in the Bible. To each his own.