The Truth about Medication + Health Supplements + Nootropics is it's HEAVEN

The Truth about Medication + Health Supplements + Nootropics is it’s HEAVEN.

I’m in Hell, I’m being controlled by Hell Life forms in this Finite Physical Existence or Finite Physical Universe/World which has Unlimited Variations.

Medication… Yes or No? Hell or Heaven? This is Physical Existence which has Unlimited Variations.

Health Supplements… Yes or No? Hell or Heaven? This is Physical Existence which has Unlimited Variations.

Nootropics… Yes or No? Hell or Heaven? This is Physical Existence which has Unlimited Variations.

I wish to Live Forever, in Heaven and Heaven only.

Supplements cause psychosis just for the record. My pdoc told me not to use them. I also want to live in Heaven.

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no one is controlling you…
you are ill…we all are :imp:
know someone cares :heart:

take care :alien:


I agree with you.

Sometimes I think so


when I’m really really really ill

like illllll like ill like triple ill

I’m surrounded by Hell Life Forms.

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I wish @SzAdmin changes this post as a sticky post. It’s simple yet true and we are sooooooo lost

that we don’t wake up to this simple yet alarming truth.

i see hell below my feet…and demons…etc… :imp:
you get used to it.
if it bothers you…distract yourself with music, the internet , walks in nature :deciduous_tree:.
personaly i don’t mind…
it is a distraction…and interesting for me anyway.
take care :alien:

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I’m soooooooo lost, completely lost


I’m still alive

there is still hope

…hope… that says …

I can still make it to PERMANENT HEAVEN. — FOREVER.

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Selegiline 20 mg every morning works like a charm for DEPRESSION.

B6 100mg every morning works like a charm.

Olanzapine 20 mg every night works JUST FINE ENOUGH for PARANOID TYPE SCHIZOPHRENIA.

you need to ground yourself…you are too lost in your own mind…eat some protein
walk in nature :bird:
splash cold water on your face :shower:
know some one cares :heart:
take care :alien:


vitamin B is bad dude, ask your pdoc

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My memory is so bad that it’s as if I DON’T EVEN EXIST.


For example OLANZAPINE is BAD for MEMORY.


way12,i am the same. i am paranoid sz and i have olanzapine. my memory was bad without zyprexa and now is worse, i know that… now i feel alone, sorry, kisses

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Good to know, but it is bad news for us.

Any way we have to make

the most of the only life we ever had

and we will ever have.


almost every nano second?

When will we have the opportunity to rejoice life now and ever?


Well according to some writings hell is being able to see paradise but unable to reach it so we could all be in hell right now. In other writings heaven and hell are only states of mind so life itself is heaven and hell depending on each persons state of mind. Some say its a physical place full of pain and suffering. Others say one lives through hell due to karma. One might even say hell is ones own creation through the reality they (their mind and spirit) have created for a greater lesson. According to Dante one must first go through the stages of hell to reach heaven…I believe all are true depending on your state of being and life and the great mystery of death. I can say hell exists the great question and mystery of all this existence is does heaven exist? I might be too young to give a good analysis on whether heaven exists but I’m right there with everyone that I hope some type of joy exists either in this life or the great beyond.

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@Kazuma what you posted is simply awesome.

You know if you watched Kungfu Panda first movie it is said

that the secret ingredient to Dragon Warrior is

" N.O.T.H.I.N.G " also the secret ingredient

of the AWESOME soup in the movie is


Years ago when I came up with my theory

" The Fundamental Theory Of Existence - "

I posted in my blog " Hell and Heaven exist only in our Mind ( Brain ) ".

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I use 20 mg Selegiline for Depression and now I am more or less an inch away

from Hell ( mind thing )

and this is the pdf - list of foods I must avoid or else I will die due to

surge in blood pressure

All these years almost 15 or more years I have been diagnosed with

Paranoid type Schizophrenia

and now I know I’ve Depression.

I no longer have Anhedonia because I started taking 20 mg Selegiline every morning.

Selegiline works for Schizophrenia + Depression

but it’s more like for Depression and not for Schizophrenia

Olanzapine also works for Schizophrenia + Depression

but it’s more like for Schizophrenia and not for Depression.

Im also a very depressed person not ecen including SZA. But i try to use my depression in studies like philosophy to better unerstand existence from depressed and happy views as I’ve been through both extremes at some point in my life. Also something about meds that help me is I dont know much about medicine but i research any drug i put in my body to the best of my ability.

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Taking in RDA levels there’s nothing wrong with vitamin b. Your doc is probably telling you this because he/she wants you on your meds and does not want anything to interfere with that


My Father is an Eye Specialist ( Ophthalmologist )

and he is from a poor Farmer family and he lost

his Mother at a young age and he had hardships all his life…

He is still working hard so that his family’s future stays secured.

He already secured our ( My Mother, Elder Sister and Myself ( Sagar Gorijala ) ) future

and he is still working like a workaholic. He is 72 year old Man.

I’m 35 year old Man and never had a job, still depending upon Parents and

still living with Parents. If you read all my posts after visiting my Profile in this website

you will have a Bird’s eye view of my life, a small but true snapshot of my life.

You know we are like a movie. There are wrong video+audio and there are correct video+audio

in different times/frames of the movie.

We are evolution, we are not born yesterday,

literally we were born yesterday but technically we were born after evolution.

So like in the movie we live wrong life and correct life…

It’s like you are right out of the comic book.

Either you are correct or wrong

and when you are wrong, you are right out of the comic book.

Even though I’m intelligent most of the times I’m a loser

and that includes being stupid and idiotic cursing my parents

for not giving me money.

I’m such a loser who simply can’t make the most

out of life with all the great things I already have

and at times cursing my parents for not giving me money.

I never spend money on anything… All my life I spent money on

food + health supplements + medication only. So I am a wise ass

and at times due to my illness I’m such a sore loser cursing parents

and giving them sleepless nights.

Believe me @jukebox HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS and medication saved my life

from Rabies + Schizophrenia + Depression and upgraded my Brain without any shadow of doubt.

I repeat my choices have upgraded my Brain ( and body ) without any shadow of doubt.

I want to type so much… it looks like that but Anhedonia is still there so I feel like

I can’t really continue typing, it feels like my body is aching and itching to stop.