The stranger on the bridge (Documentary Video)

anyone seen this documentary? its about a sz man who was saved from jumping from a bridge, i found it very inspirational

heres the trailer-

and idk if this will work for everyone but i think the full documentary is here-


Yeah it was good.

I saw it in the TV guide and recognised Johnny from his excellent SZA youtube videos.

I am glad he found some closure even if it was a struggle.

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i havent seen any of his sz youtube videos

i think this is Jonny Benjamins youtube channel, lots of posts on recovery and mental illness

here’s a sample-

I like his Youtube stuff… it has given me a lot of ideas for coping and keeping an eye on my health.

Thank you for posting this. I have been trying to find a version of what aired.

His Blog is here:

His Twitter Feed here:

I’ve have bookmarked this and will get to both of them when I’ve got the time and concentration to watch them. I’ve the concentration of a newt atm (I mean no offence to newts btw) and they are a bit lengthy. But will get to them, I’m hoping sometime this week.

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apparently its #MHAW which means mental health awareness week

here’s a tweet about it

and a newspaper article that i read and thought you might like-

the man on the right of that picture is the man who saved him from jumping

MHAW Is October worldwide. Although some countries it’s for a day some for a month. As far as I know and have googled.

But wouldn’t surprise me at all it being started by the Americans. For the British to disregard that and go their own way on it.

as far as i know MHAW is for everyone, its from the 11th (today) until the 17th and this year it is about mindfulness,

here’s the link-


youtube videos-

does it really matter?

btw, i wouldn’t trust your source of information, wikipedia can get it wrong and has done on a good few occasions, i was doing research a couple of weeks ago and i got the wrong info because of what i had read on wikipedia.

what i have found is that MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK is today but maybe we could get @SzAdmin to clarify because i really don’t want to argue about this and ruin my thread.


No you are right. It doesn’t matter really. I just thought it was a worldwide event. We in OZ have it October as it’s always been. I double, tripled checked when ours is this year as well and it’s in Oct. Doesn’t really mater but as I said thought it was a world wide event so was confused. As long as it gets the message out it doesn’t really mater when it is.

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Mental Health Week / Month / Day

To be honest I’ve found this confusing too. ANd yes - it seems different places have different days and months to promote this awareness.

We don’t spend much time here promoting it because everyone here is pretty much familiar with mental health issues. I think its primarily to raise awareness with people who are not so knowledgeable about mental health issues and the prevalence in society.

Was a lot more organised last year then normal and usually is a relatively big thing here. All the organizations get out and promote what they actually do. So there is local community knowledge of what help is available as well as education on mental illness and good mental health. As well as media coverage on mental illness in general.

those outside of uk can watch it here or here

thought it was alright, only problem was his dx wasnt ‘revealed’ till near the end of episode, whereas i thought it should have been alot earlier than when it was

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