The snow is coming down and visibility isn’t great. Sigh
It’s cloudy here
We won’t have snow for a while here
We got a little bit of snow overnight
We don’t get much snow here in South Carolina. When we do get like an inch or two everybody goes berzerk and buys all the bread and milk from the stores. I don’t know what it is about bread and milk. Also there’s car accidents everywhere, like people totally forget how to drive. It’s pretty bad.
We can see up to a foot of snow here in WV but that’s not the norm. It usually doesn’t snow bad here til after January
We have snow here and it’s cold, off to work in it
It snows here in the northeast all the time.
I hate driving in the snow.
I’m guessing no one has winter tires. They are very.important here but we have a long cold winter
No there’s not much need for winter tires here. We do get bad ice storms though. Sometimes the power goes out for days. Our winter is pretty mild compared to many places.
Here the weather is all messed up. Its so sunny and warm most days, yesterday i walked outside in short sleeves and no coat and summer shoes. Today its a little colder, but still no winter coat. Normally i would need thick sweaters, winter coat and good shoes in november. Im not really sure whether to be happy and enjoy the sun, confused or worried about climate change.
Enjoy. Worrying about what is possibly may happen isn’t going to change it.
Yes, i do! I like the sun. Its just weird though…everyone is kind of confused here. Oh well. We spend lots of time outdoors now, which is nice.
just frost here
limbs that break into my yard
I hope those kitties around here make it.
I have bought all Christmas cards and gifts already except for one lot.
Today I listened to Swedish Christmas carols on YouTube.
Staffan var en stalledräng …la la la …
Hope Anders is well.we lost contact.
Hope that other brown eyed man is well.
And others I have no clarity with etc n my spirit friends I like to believe I have.
My bf and I may not be romantically compatible also cause we have such different beliefs etc n I do not fit in with his friends and family etc but we are nice to each other and take care of each other.
Maybe that is good enough and something to be grateful for.
It is not very romantic but just to have a friend partner to take care of each other and be nice can mean a lot that too.
I can not do kids n he has not got any so that helps too.
He is a great
So we might have other people we are more romantically compatible with …
I sent one parcel and asked them to put it under the tree.
My bf picked a tree and decorated for me first time I came here interstate.
So sweet.
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