Three of my local supermarkets have been out of Marmite for weeks. I had my last spoonful today. What happens now?
Good news, the hair on your tongue will start receeding by the second week.
Wow! @anon44466342 and @shutterbug! I had to Google what Marmite was. I am in the US. I hope that you get it back in stock soon!
It’s a slick way of repackaging toxic waste for consumer consumption.
@shutterbug wow that is a strong opinion! lol
Lol I find this ironic. That america is running out of ketchup packets
Oh dear, what next? A vegemite shortage?
Now now @Moonbeam . Lets not panic just yet. Vegemite is a yeast extract and it’s base is a bi product of the brewing process. Australians eat plenty of vegemite and drink plenty of beer so the balance is good…As a side note. The yeast extract comes from the brewery and it’s white. Vegemite is the color of fresh bitumin. It’s black. Gawd knows what they do when they make it but rest assured Vegemite is strong out here
Um, maybe not God. Bitumen comes from the ground. The Other Fella also lives underground, or so legend has it. I guess that makes your treat, “Devilishly delightful?”
Just sayin’.
Vegemite is so good. Layer it on bread…I agree marmite is rubbish but hats off to vegemite…We feed our kids it…because kids have no taste buds and it works … some fun things…vegemite and tomato toasted sandwiches. Wheat bix and vegemite…the list goes on for great B group vitamins in a jar!
So sorry to hear that your positive symptoms are acting up again. Perhaps ask your pdoc for a med adjustment?
haha. I took some into my bookstore in New Orleans with some crackers. Most people couldn’t even look at it without gagging. For American tastes its so salty but this crazy guy who originally came from scandinavia loved it. Ate the whole small jar of it before everyone got a taste…
Gotta love it!
I actually procured some out of curiosity and it’s not my cup of tea. I can deal with the saltiness, it’s just that it tastes rather like what I imagine bat guano would if I were to sample some. That being said, most people think my spice consumption is insane. If I can taste the heat in something that means I’ve rendered it inedible for common folk. To each his own!
Mate. I’m not arguing. As I say we bring our kids up on it and it’s really an acquired taste for sure. Yeah spice is the bomb and a more equal palate for those who eat. As I get older the more spice the better…I used to be a light weight with chilli for example but now I like it when I get enough just to cry a little…Vegemite really is an acquired taste for sure1
First, toilet paper, then ketchup packets…wow.
We used to run out of ramen because people thought they are going to starve to death.
So here, Vegemite is the knockoff version of Marmite. I keep turning it down when they substitute it for the Marmite I want. Day 2 of no Marmite… had soup, but not satisfied
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