Panic on the streets of Australia

So. Just find it interesting that for some obscure reason people over here are stockpiling toilet paper. Like it’s fear of this corona virus but it seems a little weird to me. A lot of stores have run out of toilet paper and people are also buying pasta and tinned tuna. Like wtf? I just don’t understand any of it…People really can be so stupid sometimes but just shows you what a little fear will do to public paranoia…and I’m supposed to be the crazy one. :joy:


Same thing is happening in the US. My friend goes through a lot of whole milk because her boys are low weight and need lots of of calories, but she went to six different stores today (rural New York) and all if them were completely out of milk. Like, I get toilet paper and soap, and bottled water. But milk only lasts like a week. :joy::rofl: People are dumb.

There’s a lot if talk about pepper stocking up like they’re going a barricade themselves in their homes for months and that’s why the toilet paper and stuff if all gone. 🤷

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They’re doing it here too

I have to go shopping soon.

I hope I can buy what I need for next week

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Apparently Costco and Walmart in my town were completely out of toilet paper. I’m not stock piling but I actually needed toilet paper so I went to the grocery store. They still had some, and they had plenty of hand soap and hand sanitizer. People must not think to raid a small grocery store or something.


Whoever said, “Sometimes the paranoids have real enemies” caused me a lot of anxiety.

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The government here in Canada has said that people should carry two weeks supplies (groceries, meds, toilet paper, etc.) at all times in case they are quarantined. There have been federal and BC (provincial) statements from the Center for Disease Control to that effect.

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65 cases in Greece no deaths yet and no panic at supermarket.
italy counts 230 deaths .


I haven’t been able to find water the last 3 days, they stock up at Walmart or Sam’s and they run out within minutes. Sad part is I really need the water for my grandmother who has an infection in her body.

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the real tp question: over or under?

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There’s panic buying in London too. Our mayor is trying to reassure us that he will be able to feed us lol during the coming few months to try and stop this. Shelves are empty apparently in places

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Why tho? Everyone knows that bullets and bottle caps would be the currency in post apocalyptic scenarios.

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I will be doing my online shop on thursday - and i wont be too happy if i dont get what i ordered. Some people have no sense of proportion.

Who the hell needs that much bog roll anyway?

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We have been told not to stock up on anything. Doing so can be very selfish, and is sometimes also unnecessary. It’s best to follow the recommendations where you live.


i’m not stock piling nor have i any intention of doing so, i bought a few little hand sanitisers but i’ll be using them sparingly and i’ll need to wash my hands more.

its just things like door handles in places that are busy that worry me bc that is like something everybody uses and if someone touches the door handle they could potentially infect a lot of people esp if you touch your face, eyes or lips afterwards,

i’m trying to be cautious and sensible about this and i certainly dont want it to stop me from doing what i normally do.

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