The must is nauseating

when i run out of deodorant. i dont know why it is so strong

Regular showers helps. I’d stock up :confused:


I think my BO has gotten worse since I turned 30.


Could be hormones … I have to have a deodorant everyday showers as regular as I can.


I use deodorant and cologne everyday and I’ve been taking more frequent showers.


i have no smell at all when i use deodorant but without it i reek even just a few hours after a shower

You can use baking soda for axillas. It works well !
I no longer use deodorant.

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You might have trichobacteriosis

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Baking soda burns my armpits. So if you go that route just pay attention to your skin. Lots of people can use baking soda and be fine. But it messes with your ph balance and in some people causes a burn/rash


OK, thanks :slight_smile: . I’ll be watching this closely.


I haven’t used deodorant in 2 years my Mom hates me during the summer time

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lol my mom ran out the room. i can see why tho every time i went for a sniff it felt like i was getting sick almost. i wonder if theres like something toxic in my body that comes out through my sweat

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