Darwin’s Doubt: “With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?”
Humanity’s mind is much greater than our primate cousins’ minds. Considering the history of outrages committed by humanity, we probably can’t trust the human mind too. We have to be constantly vigilant against hatred and extremes.
Nature is anything but inefficient.
Monkeys and upper primates share a lot of our dna but they aren’t us. That is the thing. Humans are so much more evolved than other primates. Yeah we share the same ancestry but we developed.
The interesting thing was neandarthals. They were so much closer to us and it seems we share some dna. They were developed enough but died out so that isn’t suprising considering our history as a species.
Like Darwin was a big step but we know more about our psychology and pathology since then for sure. Evolution really is real much to those doubters…
I think some people believe it was more intermarriage than attrition that caused the neanderthal decline. They say there were different branches of human and semi human species. They’re not sure exactly when modern humans appeared in all their splendor. I’ve heard figures from 300,000 to 100,000 years ago. I think the first human like species emerged four million years ago. I would say that humanity reached the possibility of evolution when they developed formal language and the ability to make tools from wood and stone.
yeah there was definately interbreeding and neandarthals had tools and they’ve found graves and thus respect for the dead. Lots we can piece together but they were a different species that could have had major variations to our history.
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