The measly increase in Social Security benefits in 2017 (the COLA)

In case not everybody knows, there is usually an increase in Social Security benefits for most years that begins in January. The increase is called the Cost of Living Adjustment–or “COLA”. I won’t get into a lengthy explanation but basically the increase is based on how the economy is doing. The COLA fluctuates each year; it can go up or down. There was no increase last year. This year it is 0.3%. I get $964 a month, my benefits will go up by about $3.00.(if my math is correct)

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That is a ridiculously tiny amount. I am sorry the beurocrats are like this.

This COLA seems to be a refreshing news!!Lol!

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The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is directly tied to inflation, and one of the larger components of inflation is energy ( particularly the price of gasoline). The price of gasoline basically stayed the same throughout the year, so the COLA increase is a tiny 0.3%.

Here’s the cruel part: A large percentage of the people whose sole source of income is Social Security cannot afford a car. :confounded:

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Hopefully next year they increase it a lot when minimum wage may go up to $15, increasing the price of living by a hell of a bundle. Ps I’m against the minimum wage going up to 15. But if it does, they HAVE to increase it. ■■■■ by like hundreds of dollars because that’s how much cola will go up!!! They won’t though and it’ll be bad news for people who rely on disability … Not to be a pessimist but brace yourself if $15 minimum wage happens.

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