Continuing the discussion from Do you believe fortune tellers:
I do think Tarot Cards are pretty amazing with how they seem to work psychologically.
There’s a waitress at our favorite diner … she had a rotten boyfriend… he took her money… used drugs… cheated on her… I told her she needed to leave him and make sure to close any joint bank accounts and get out of the situation.
For ages she still bemoaned her bad boyfriend…
My sis pulls out the cards… lays them out… says pretty much the same thing…
It’s time to move on
there is a negative influence in your life
more sorrow is coming
your loosing money
it’s time for transformation
there is hope in the future
two weeks later the waitress left her boyfriend… broke off all ties and moved out away from him…
I said the same thing… but I guess the pictures had more impact…
That sort of thing has always fascinated me about the cards… why do people put them in high regard… over a common sense talk?
Maybe the cards are perceived as leading a person to a decision rather then telling someone what to do…