The Gift Of Giving. To your Self

So as it turns out I’m having a great Xmas due to a generous gift from the Old Boy. Even then though I always get something for myself this time of year. Nothing too overpriced but in my limits. Our usual thing on Xmas day is to not do presents as such. We all buy one $5 scratch it ticket that goes into a draw and everyone gets a ticket. We always do our money but it’s a bit of fun and there’s no stress for all involved.

The kids of the family always do well but that is another story :).

So. My gift to myself this year is like $250 and I’ve invested in some ddr4 ram. Two 16 gig sticks with the crazy led lights. So 32 gigs ram plus the two 8 gig sticks should be compatible so I’ll have 48 gigs of total overkill to run a huge ramdisk. Interested in peformance running a drive that big in memory but hey. It’s Xmas and that is my gift to myself…what is yours?


That’s sweet that you got all that RAM in your computer now!

Well I got an Amazon gift card for Christmas this year, and so far I’ve ordered three DVD’s, Chernobyl, Akira, and the new Joker.


Too much is never enough with computer building! haha.

Sounds like a good score my friend. Enjoy the movies…I remember seeing Akira in the movie theater years ago when it first came out. Amazing Anime. So weird but good…Enjoy them matey and have a good time over the xmas period.


I bought a laptop for school and gaming last week. It wont take home first prize but it’ll give em hell.


I bought a car so my Christmas for the next ten years has been taken care of!


I bought myself an Xbox One X a few days ago. I know the new Series X comes out in one year but I’ll get a lot of use out of this until then, especially with Skyrim and the Game Pass. Skyrim and Fallout 4 on Xbox have lots of mods available that Playstation’s versions don’t have… and they’re a lot easier to install than on PC.


Damn @Joker you’ve raised the bar but a good auto is a good investment.

I got a good deal from a guy at the cricket club. Good, serviced moto but although it costs me some it’s a worthy investment. May your ride keep you well and set aside some dollars for rainy days. Hope it’s a good deal and well done you.

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Yeah good present @agent101g . I always was into pcs even back in the dos days. Every game you bought you’d have to tweak your autoexec.bat files or you config.sys files. Haha . Kudos to those from the olden days…:slight_smile:

I don’t mind the console. Cheap enough for good gaming. You want to spend a lot your into computers but it’s a game you’ll never win. Much respect. Hope you get some good gaming out of your xbox and enjoy.

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Oh God, I so don’t miss that. Or ISA slots. Or figuring out what spare IRQs.because of a conflict. Blech.

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I hope so @rogueone I have never spent more than £1,500 on a car, so this is a big deal for me to get one.

It’s always good to get a car from someone you know. I did that four years ago, and it never let me down.

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haha @shutterbug don’t start about irq conflicts. Gawd. Load mem high and such shenanigans…the kids these days…they have it so good. :slight_smile:

mate. May it go smoothly. Invest in the basics. If you can’t do it yourself change oil every year or 10,000km’s. Check the fluids monthly max. Your in a different climate to me so I’m sure there’s other things in the cold but in the heat checking your radiator regularly is good.

Hope it’s a good servant and keep it so…

I have a service plan on this one. I got it from a garage as an ex demo car, and it still has four years warranty. The servicing in £20 a month.

My phone contract is up for renewal in April, so I will go sim only as I got an XR as the 6s was useless! The money I save will cover it.

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Very good. Keep it serviced and have some in the bank for tires and such. We go through tires out here in the heat. Keep on keeping on. May you have a good auto experience.

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I think tyres here last about 20,000 miles, but not sure.

Last time I needed them I went on it may be worth seeing if they have a similar thing in Oz when you get to buying some, as you save a lot of money.

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