The doc thinks I have paranoid sz but I disagree

You should learn to control yourself and respect law rules to be able to live in society. Otherwise you will end up in a mental hospital for criminals for a very long time or even permanently. You risk loosing your family and friends forever.

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@Crystal-Cotton you are something else.
Stop seeking attention and listen to your doctors.

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I’m not seeking attention, mind your language please

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I don’t have friends but I’m trying to get better

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Nothing wrong with his language.

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He accused me of seeking attention even though I didn’t so yes there is clearly something wrong

@Crystal-Cotton the flagging system is meant to be used for rule breaking. Flagging everyone who disagrees with you just because you don’t like what they say creates more work for the mod team and is an abuse of the system.

I’m sorry but I think it is rule breaking to systemically bully me

@Crystal-Cotton Psychiatric labels may come and go, but unless properly treated your symptoms will very likely get worse. Do what is needed to be as well as possible. @shutterbug is a good example of someone who has gone from being very seriously mentally ill to someone who is a perfect example of what can be achieved with a good attitude and perseverance. Does he still have some symptoms? Yes - but he’s proactive in dealing with them.


Have hope: for people like myself who was formerly diagnosed sz actually recover or have substantial reduction of their symptoms.

Sz isn’t the end of the world. People are suffering from a variety of issues.

Diagnosis come and go. I was formerly diagnosed sz too but now my doctor changed my dx to psychotic depression. I would ask you to trust your doctor. At your age, I know it’s hard to trust them. You think you know your best, but I think people who have studied their entire life in medical school will know better. I was like you when I was younger too. You are definitely not alone.


I’m already taking meds although the doc won’t let me go on pills… so injections it is


Because if you were pills you would not take them. You would be a danger to society and yourself.

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@Crystal-Cotton, you’ve really got to accept things like the need for medicine. You only want pills so you can stop taking your med. You’re violent when psychotic so that’s unacceptable. You need the shots, plain and simple

But the shots are making me ugly and unhealthy

You’re not unhealthy or ugly because of your shots. Pills have the same effect on weight as shots. You can start eating healthy and exercising to combat weight gain. I use MyFitnessPal. It’s great. I’m losing weight while on APs.

Also I’m not violent

You are when you’re psychotic. You’ve already admitted that to us

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