The Course of General Cognitive Ability in Individuals With Psychotic Disorders


When I was in the mid-swing of sza my dad would have to count the number value of my cards when we played cribbage and even when I was in the ward I had to have a higher functioning patient count cards for me.

Now that I am on a now nearly a year on the up-swing I feel grateful that things are looking better.



I read once in a research article the phrase ‘learning is gated by working memory and attention’. So if you wish to increase your own learning capacity those two things are what you need to focus on improving. Luckily there are now apps available to train individual cognitive processes.

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As the IQ of adolescents can decline or increase significantly regardless of whether an adolescent is going to develop schizophrenia or not it needs more than cognitive decline in adolescence for there to be a strong indication that a teenager is at high risk of developing schizophrenia.

My IQ hasn’t declined but my social functioning has never been good. It declined even further during my teenage years.

I don’t do well socially even now… In a world where first impressions matter I don’t do well. I do better with those that take the time to get to know me , but those are few and far between.

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I believe this is Roman Kotov who again torments the same sample. In European studies published previously there was no significant cognitive decline over years. So I don’t know, data is questionable


In what western media now less commonly refers to as third world countries certain prognosi or prognostics regarding mental illness have a less problematic outcome than the concentrated statistic in many well developed nations when it comes to rates of suicide as well as productivity.

The singular form would be prognosis.

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Cognitive and Global Functioning in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis Stratified by Level of Negative Symptoms. A 10-Year Follow-Up Study - PubMed - pretty fresh article also appeared in the news in March with opposite results (everybody improved regarding cognition)

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