The cheek of my friend

My friend wanted some music so I suggested Spotify. She asks me the same question again and again. She don’t want to pay. I told her I don’t download music and don’t want to get caught… :persevere: i told her I use Spotify myself. I won’t download anything for her.


Dont be angry
Many people like your friend
So take it easy

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I don’t like my “friend” that’s for sure

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Also I know what you saying however when I say no I don’t have any music on my computer the first time , the second time and repeat myself a third time … the no doesn’t change to a yes every time she asks me. I’m not downloading for her.


She may know you r kind enough if she tell you more and more you ll say ok :grin::grin:
Tell her no and no more for her good :grin::grin:

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I know cos I always used to say yes to her maybe she’s having a hard time :frowning:


Good for you holding your ground! She needs to learn to respect your boundaries.


I’ve told her I don’t want viruses on my computer so I don’t do it … hopefully that will stop her asking for the 100th time.


In the US you can get it free with hulu. if you get to the right page.

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Just look at her blankly and go into another room.


tell her to get her own music lol

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