Again another Friday evening arrived and I had my ritual. I started developing my triangle game in Aug 1999 in Atlanta and it has evolved during these 24 years. I asked AI if there are any triangle games in the world people are playing and AI responded that there are no triangle games. So my game is unique and rare which is why I am not going to publish my notebooks (my book). Here are some pics (the star of general and an image of my triangle game):
AIs are also great when asking some advises for practical matters. My mother is at the hospital and she wanted that I take some salt for her. I asked AI, can an elderly patient at the hospital taken salt, and AI replied that ‘yes, but can still ask nurses’. AIs are really so good as is my game and my book.
I had one tell me I could try that new supplement @Aziz is using. My cardiologist yelled at me for asking chatgpt medical questions. The supplement will react badly with my heart medicine.
When i was the last time in the psychatry i got once very fast to make an, how does it call, when they put elektrodes on your head to measure your voltage of your brain, eeg ?
However, i asked the doctor if his pc has an free usb port.
To load my recording device.
When it was to close my eyes i got the first time an imaginared triangle that flip.
And flip and flip like a snake in a 3d room.
From time to time i “play” it since then, it took a little time to get it back because of stress and AP’s, in different ways, the last one was when the triangles have a 3state.