Jordan Peterson says it’s probably the best personality test out there today.
It’s not free though. $9.95 USD
Seems accurate for the most part, and is suppose to mostly correlate with the MBTI. One descrepency was I scored 72% extraversion on this test, yet 84% introversion on the MBTI. I guess if you average it out I’m an ambivert skewing towards introversion.
My enneagram is 5w4
One cool thing is you can pair your results with your partner and get an assessment of your compatiblity. This can help you understand your differences so you understand eachother better and can then work to improve your relationship.
It’s not as intuitive as you may think. For example “openess” below refers more to artistic expression, not my willingness to discuss anything and having an open personality. And different sections and what they say about you depend on the results of other sections. All this is explained in your results.
Here are my results. The first graphic shows how each of the 5 sections is broken into 2 subsections.
If you take the test it gives you an explanation of each result.
Big fan of Jordan very well read person and great professor. Great insights on human nature and importance of religious beliefs to human psyche.
It’s been long time I forgot he even had that website. I think my initial reluctance to use it hat it wasn’t anonymous and anything you typed was being sent to some remote server with your IP address attached and might be even used as case study. Offline version would be more desirable so that you can type in confidence.
I took the Myer Brigg about 5 times because it said I was an Adventurer and I didn’t think I was. They are introverts. Supposedly Marilyn Monroe has this type.
I took the test as well and it was very good. It is probably better than most online personality tests since it was put together by a world class psychologist. His lectures made me realize that I have a lot of work to do and I started reading 12 Rules for Life.
I have taken several personality tests, and the result that sticks in my mind is the caretaker. Someone who looks after others. Or the one who oversees dead bodies… hmmm… we’re not sure
Jordan Peterson is someone who got popular due to his political and religious views. Not due to him being clinical psychologist. As @Charles_Foster says he sells these tests. Although he hasn’t invented it.
I can’t figure out how people even consider MBTI to be reliable test.
You have made your point. Let it rest. I’m willing to reopen this thread, as long as you don’t turn this into an argument with each other about the test.