Did you take the Villain Test? Omfg!
You always post such fun quizzes. Thanks for that!
Apparently I’m also more likely to be female, slightly more likely to be left wing and am considered an emotional type. It was interesting reading all the things I was more or less likely to do because of it.
Post them, if you don’t mind! I thought that was the most interesting part of the results.
Lolol your list goes on for miles! It’s funny, we have similar profiles, but not a lot of overlap between our lists.
Was yours shorter?? That’s why I didn’t post mine! Lol. That is funky. Wait I see yours it’s the same length!
No, yours has almost twice as many bullet points on it as mine! Obvs. you are far more interesting than I am.
Hmmm tolerant type. I’m tolerant too! I’m not just emotional. Blah.
My laptop hasn’t been letting me take screenshots since last night, so I can’t share mine.
Personality Type
According to John A. Johnston, professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University, your Big Five scores suggest that you are a(n)… (WARNING: Not all of Dr. Johnston’s descriptions are positive. Expand at your own risk.)
Fussy Type
Fussy Types are perfectionists who crave structure and order but who never seem to be able to achieve the order and predictability they desire. Their own emotional instability fosters a self-defeating pattern. They are described by others with terms such as particular, well-read, shy, and introverted.
Seems pretty accurate. Says I’m probably a guy… I see a pattern here.
According to studies by Gerber and associates (Yale University), Raso and associates (Stanford), and others, your scores indicate that you are:
More likely than the general population to concentrate your political commitments on causes and issues that are likely to yield concrete personal payoffs in your life (as opposed to abstract ideological ones).
Less likely than the general population to watch and enjoy late-night satire that ridicules politics and politicians.
More likely to keep informed on politics because you feel it is a type of social duty, pertaining to politeness and civility, than because you think of it as fun or exciting.
Likely to live to a greater age than the average life expectancy in your country.
Likely to have higher lifetime earnings than the average of your country.
Likely to waste less time procrastinating with internet games, social media etc. than the general population.
Less likely than the general population to attend political campaign events and meetings.
Less likely than the general population to voice support for your political views by writing to elected officials or for the opinion pages of newspapers and magazines.
More likely than the general population to stay constant in your level of political engagement (i.e. as opposed to mostly following politics in conjunction with elections, etc.).
Likely to spend less time reading newspapers than the general population.
Less likely to watch political talk shows than the general population.
More likely than the general population to donate money to your preferred political candidate or party.
Less likely than the general population to work as a volunteer for a national political party.
More likely than the general population in your country to take a negative view of immigration to your country.
Less likely than the general population to be satisfied with your preferred political candidate’s performance while in office.
For even more research-based points on your personality, consider taking our Big Five Presidents Test, Big Five Movie Star Test, or Big Five Villian Test.
I scored average in everything. But my personality is Apathetic. Says I’m probably a male. (I’m a female).
I had Openess very low, conscientiousness high, extroversion average, agreeableness average, neuroticism low. It said I was right wing and female.