Big 5 Personality Test

According to a random clip on Youtube, the Meyers-Briggs personality test is faulty and the preferred test is called the Big 5. I see that there are some older threads mentioning it, but the most recent that I could find (2022) posted a link that cost money. I found one that’s free and hopefully legitimate, so feel free to take it HERE. It does not require your personal information.

Personally, I found most items accurately depicted me (I was as honest as possible, which was amazingly difficult sometimes!). Some were way off, though, but more were accurate than not.

How did you fare if you took it?


Sz changed my personality for the worse.

I think that my personality is ultimately the same at it’s root, but everything is more extreme.

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I prefer the Myer Briggs.

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I like Myers Briggs… I’m Infj… it makes sense

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I did the meyers brigg 3 times and they were all different each time i think, but i forgot what it said

This made me feel so amazing I always think of myself as a stupid idiot this says otherwise :pleading_face:

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Also I did a personality test that said I was a ENFP the same personality type of the late great Robin Williams and I took the test in 3 different websites

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