The best part of my new job

Is that I get to wear scrub pants and sneakers with a t-shirt.

I can dress business casual if I want to, but I’m going to limit it to once or twice a week.

At my last job I spent so much time fussing over clothing and stressing out about what to wear. It’s nice to get a break from that.

Edited to add: the worst part of my job is that everyone can see what meds I take and my diagnoses when they check me in for an appointment. You’re not supposed to be looking at that, but sometimes you can’t help but see.


I’m curious as to why?

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It’s listed on the front page of your chart, I think for ease of access for the doctors and providers.

The receptionists have to check the patient’s chart everytime they check in to make sure we have a signed consent to treat form.

It’s just on that first page so it’s visible to us, but it’s not like we’re reading it. But if someone were nosy about someone they could glance at it quickly if they wanted to.

I only mention it because I’m paranoid about my own.

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It doesn’t sound like a job. Are you in a paid study?

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It’s a job at my doctor’s office. I just happened to have an appointment on a day I was working and had to have one of the other receptionists check me in.

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That would be against HIPAA standards here in US. But glad it’s a paid gig.

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Assume everyone knows about it now, and adjust to people knowing. No sense staying in a paranoid suspicious state about it.

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Had another botched job interview yesterday, I am feeling low, really low. I am tired of being jobless, y’all

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Try not to get discouraged. I’m trying to get a job at the local college and I’ve interviewed 2 times already, and applied about 4. Sometimes you have to keep trying until you get in somewhere.

This is true no matter who you are.

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