The Beatles and my subconscious

I had the weirdest dream last night. Lots of people used to ask the Beatles after they broke up if they still were friends. It’s a common question and a question the two surviving Beatles still get. They usually say they still see each other and are still friendly.

My dream was simplistic. I was arguing about this with some guy and he said, “Who cares if they remained friends? Why does everyone want the Beatles to be friends? Let them hate each other if they want.”
And my argument was that the Beatles were at the top of everything they did, they were #1 at so many areas so why shouldn’t they be #1 at being friendly ex-bandmates? Part of the mystique of the Beatles was that they were so close and people want to believe that mystique carried on.
I mean it was not a profound dream and no one would care except for perhaps another Beatle fan but it was kind of a neat dream.


I no longer see the Beatles as “gods”
They were 4 talented musicians who were flawed like everyone else.
Luck played a big part in their success.


Who’s your fave Beatle, @77nick77?

…I’m a fan of George-- I really dig the direction he went in with the sitars and world music stuff.


George was my favorite too @Schztuna
He was the “spiritual” Beatle.


Every Beatles song just sounds like women screaming to me. I can’t get it out of my head.

The only song which holds up by today’s standards in my opinion is Eleanor Rigby. It honestly sounds like someone could have written and recorded it today.

Anyway I watched a jail show last night and had a nightmare about being locked up again. Should probably watch cooler stuff!

@77nick77 have you watched the new special “Get Back” on Disney+?


Love The Beatles.

Come Together, Yesterday…many of their songs sound like they could have been recorded today IMO.

Did anyone see the film Yesterday? I enjoyed it. Nice concept.

As for dreams uuuh…nope. But 20 years ago coming off of a binge I had a long conversation about art with John Lennon who, incidently, is my favourite Beatle. George is a close second.

Ringo…legend! Do you know he was in The Beatles before he narrated Thomas The Tank Engine?


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No, but I’ve been watching clips from it on YouTube.

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I would have to say John Lennon. He was a bit edgier than the others.


I go with @agent101g
Eleanor Rigby, Revolver…
Paul McCartney…
Also She’s leaving home…

Hmmm. When I read The Beatles on the title in the threads section the first song that came to mind was “Nowhere Man”. I hadn’t hear or thought about that song in years. I’m listening to it now. Thanks @77nick77 !:slightly_smiling_face:

For me it is tough to decide which is my favorite Beatle. This is all common knowledge but McCartney and Lennon were excellent songwriters consistently. George Harrison also had a great songwriting ability. Two of my favorite Beatles’ songs are credited to Harrison and Starr, Something and In My Life. The Beatles for sure revolutionized music.

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I was just thinking 50 years from now Taylor Swift will likely be compared to The Beatles when it comes to most hit songs. I think my sister mentioned she nearly has had as many hit songs if not more. I have to look it up.

Ah okay, I just read that The Bealtes have 20 number 1 hit songs and Swift has 8. I guess the talk was because she now has the longest reigning number 1 hit song passing American Pie in terms of song length. Her number one hit song is 10 minutes long and I have never heard it.

However I do think she is very talented.

Now this off topic but I thought her character in a movie called Valentine’s Day was hilarious. Probably thr funniest scene in the movie. I wonder why she didn’t continue acting.

I suppose that does somehow relate The Beatles and my subconscious.

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It’s funny because subconsciously I remembered because of The Beatles talk with my sister and I remembered Taylor Swift because I saw a world championship boxing fight and when the champion emerged victorious in his title defense he had his trainer announce a tweet Talor Swift tweeted about him during the fight. I thought it was funny, the trainer was just a tad bit reluctant like, “Really, man? Right now?” And the champ was like, “Read it!” Talk about subconscious thought and the Bealtes.

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