I think there are other things they test for too, not just blood sugar. I was recently tested at a dr bc of my symptoms, and I don’t have it, but they checked a few different things for the test.
Edit… I was tested for type one tho. And I really don’t know enough about it to say
Well…you could probably eventually figure out if you have it based on daily blood sugar readings, but really you should get a A1C test from doc, which is average of blood sugar over 2 or 3 months. This is really how they tell you if you have it.
Like I said, you might be able to get an idea if you have it based on daily readings, but its really best to go to a doc and do A1C so you have the bigger picture.
I agree with @Bowens. I used to have type 2 diabetes. My dr checked my A1C levels to truly know if I had it or not. I now get it checked every 6 months. Since I lost weight it’s been a very healthy number
Only a doctor like a general practitioner or especially an endocrinologist can diagnose someone with diabetes.
My family doctor detected issues with my blood glucose levels and thyroid levels and referred me to an endocrinologist who officially diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes and hypothyroidism.
This was years ago.
I guess I don’t see any harm in doing it that way. But remember that if you do end up having diabetes, that you will likely need to go through a doc eventually anyway, if you are going to get the prescriptions you may need for related meds.