The app i found is called sololearn but im sure there are more… it has a coding sandbox to show the direct effects of the code examples or what you type in thats helpful…
I have a teacher buddy from itt tech we play d&d sometimes. He said the easiest way out of my current econimical state is javascript and htmlcss. Prolly not most profitable but still better then what the small town i live near offers to most. I didnt ask where it leads exactly. But if i learn about them more i should figure it out. If not i didnt waste his and my time lol…
That is mostly for front end programming. Like making apps and websites. I heard you can get $300 for a website that takes 1 hour to make. It would be easy money. However beware that coding is not easy. Do you have the motivation to finish an entire project even when you reach technical difficulties and can you deal with the clients? I know some people on Reddit schizophrenia who do it and work part time and make a like one thousand dollars a month. I would like to do JavaScript programming but personally feel I’m not ready and need to start small with simpler jobs.
Sorry, I don’t know anything about JavaScript or htmlcss. I started by putting together my own Linux machine. Then I took a C class at the university I was going to (and a FORTRAN class, but who cares about that). I taught myself how to code C++. Then I got a lucky break and got a C coding job. Linux has a free C++/C compiler that is really good: gcc and g++. It also has a debugger that is good if you get good at learning cryptic commands. You can tell it to stop after 10 times of going over this code spot, or only stop here if this condition is met, etc. It is called gdb.
In order to learn JavaScript, I would get a book and follow it. JavaScript is run on the client from what I hear, so I think you could just write a .html file (with JavaScript in it) and load it in a browser. HTMLCSS is also run on the client, so same thing. I think that JavaScript and HTMLCSS would be easier to learn than C or C++. But if you want hard core code, C++ is definitely the thing to learn, or perhaps Java.
I wish I had the skills of coding. I have two dreams for the rest of my life: Writing up an excellent book and hosting a popular website. To realize them I probably need some skills of coding. But I’m afraid I’m too retarded to learn a new skill. The meds have numbed my brain.
HTML and CSS are very simple, and anyone can learn them. javascript can get complex especially if you’re doing object oriented programming with it building libraries. jQuery is a popular javascript library that’s much easier to get a handle on and is very useful and popular for front end stuff.
It was fun coding, gives you goals, projects to work on, and satisfaction of seeing something you envisioned working for you in the browser. I’d also eventually look into back end languages as working with databases for web projects is also fun.
You could charge a couple grand for a basic website if you have a good portfolio. I charged very little because I wasn’t good at the business aspect of running a small freelance company. a basic 5 page site I made as an example took me around 60 hours to make.
If you’re looking for a full time job as a front end developer, and there are a lot of such jobs, you can make anywhere from 40-90k per year depending on experience.
You can start off making sites for friends or finding an organisation like a non for profit and volunteering for them making their website. Once you have a few sites you made, you can start charging.