I read from many sources that schizophrenics are more likely to get addictions than general population. Some say its self medication. Some claim their sz was caused by drugs or was it a result of self medicating sz symptoms? I tried weed to selfmedicate but it made my symptoms worse so stopped. I was addicted to sex and shopping on Abilify
Yeah schizophrenics are definitely more likely to have substance abuse issues.
I think being psychotic makes my addictions worse as I don’t have any addictions now on 6mg Risperidone, I use caffeine sometimes too much and vape but thats it.
Im addicted to vaping and porn too mentally weak to quit on my own
I wonder how many schizophrenics tried drugs.
Just found 50% abuse it so its much more who use or used. Thats too much
an estimated 50 percent of individuals suffering from schizophrenia have a history of substance abuse
Actually most people with clinical diagnosis of mental illness are more likely to abuse substances as it is a form of self medicating
I never abused substances but I abused sex and shopping, its less talked about i wonder why
Ive had some form of sex addiction for as long as I can remember. I used porn to tamp things down but recently since ive been taking ritalin it becomes insane. So i installed blockers on all my devices and had my wife put a password on them so i cant get rid of it lol. I dont think porn is bad though i was just heading fast into addict territory.
It was like putting gasoline on a fire for 6 hours. I think it happened like 7 or 8 times when i decided this is getting rediculous lol.
It was odd because like i kinda wanted to do it but not much but when i started i just went into a rabbit hole everytime probs due to hyperfocus.
Now im a monk ommmmm ommmmm
I managed to quit alcohol and i dont smoke or weed or anything. I even stopped being super reckless in extreme sports.
The path is not linear
I tried various substances, ive very much been impulsive throughout life. Impulsivity is a big factor for any compulsive behavior issues
Porn is not the problem for me. Off meds I did it in public bathrooms to mental images and when I had a gf for 5yrs I had too much sex with her, she even told me I am addicted to sex
Oh yeah i did all that plus porn. Lol. It never ended. Id hook up with someone at night and right when i got home it was onto the computer for something else.
Good thing 6mg risperidone lowers my sex drive @LevelJ1
Im trying to replace my porn habit with learning. Its going okay so far.
I think stuff like that never really goes away so you gotta replace it with something healthier
When I was in mental hospital I had thoughts of walking nude there but didn’t do it after seeing two guys doing it and getting jumped by security.
Wow thats mean.
Yeah rascals I tell ya, good thing I didnt care
I had substance abuse issues long before I had SZ.
I never watched porn when I had a gf before sz, I felt like its cheating on her but idk maybe it was a delusion as porn is not really cheating
Mental illness started in teens and i was undiagnosed until aged 32. My hubby kept me away from drugs and alcohol otherwise i think id have fallen into them. Im just a tobacco smoker it could have been a lot worse. I suffer a lot with mental illness though and rely on hubby for most things like cooking and cleaning, managing meds etc im lucky to have him
Yeah i never had any qualms with it. But what im saying is its all the same whether digital or physical its still a compulsive behavioral addiction at the core.