So, out of the blue, my psychiatrist changes my diagnosis from schizoaffective disorder, which I’ve had for about 5 years, into bipolar with psychotic features.
Has this ever happened to anyone?
Now I’m completely at a loss since I thought for sure I had some sort of social dysfunction directly related to schizophrenia, but apparently my psychiatrist didn’t, even though our last discussion was about my social disabilities.
I haven’t always been so positive about my diagnosis. For the five years I was diagnosed by doctors and psychiatrists and therapists, I was completely in denial that I had anything to do with schizoaffective anything.
Fast forward to about two months ago, and I’m taking marijuana on my own, at a dosage more than 10 times the recommended amount, and suddenly I get extreme paranoia. The kind that makes me worry and forget my memory.
I was calling my mom and sisters and telling them what I needed to do, and apparently I said really really mean things to one of my sisters, but of course I don’t remember.
Now, when I have psychotic episodes, I start thinking that people are out to get me, that even my family wants to kill me. It’s because of this that I’ve had hospitalizations for 3 whole times. I also bring up a lot of child molestation cases in my speech when I get psychotic even though I obviously don’t want to do something like that.
But anyway, thankfully I wasn’t talking about sexual abuse in my speech when I was taking marijuana, and I was just thinking that I was gonna get killed while under the influence of a really really big high.
I’m never trying marijuana again, especially knowing that it can worsen my conditions and harm my psychosis even further. Not even at 5 mg – nothing! I warn everyone here who wants to even smoke one puff or take one bite or whatever.
But the reason I’m on this forum is because I have a few questions related to the social disabilities that come with schizophrenia:
Have any of you confused your social dysfunction, stemming from schizophrenia, for autism? For the longest time I thought for sure I had a high functioning autism, and would go out of my way to find out if I had it, but eventually I couldn’t find testing for it, and besides that, my therapist and psychiatrist told me (Just last month) that it was schizoaffective related instead. Which I completely believe them on now.
For your social dysfunction, how functional are you? My employment counselor says that I have hope that one day I might learn the social cues and such that are needed in everyday conversation, but I’m wondering if people are in worse or even better positions than I am.
Do any of you find that being off your meds suddenly makes your social disability go away partly or almost entirely? This is what I’ve found with the last three times that I’ve been off my meds: I suddenly start speaking neurotypically, meaning that I understand social cues and what to say, and it’s as though I don’t have schizophrenia’s social disability at all. And it’s as though the medication somehow blocks being socially adequate.
Have any of you been able to overcome your social dysfunction entirely like was previously described in question 3, but without any hint of schizophrenia’s sickness? I ask this because unfortunately when I’m off my meds, with the knowledge of social cues and being able to speak well with others, I get the symptoms of paranoia and I start talking about sexual molestation. Which is completely unwarranted and unfortunate because the good is being mixed with the bad, so to speak. But in any event, I’m wondering if anyone has been able to “speak well” without having any of schizophrenia’s symptoms?
What resources have helped you with your social disability? This is the main question I want answered if none other is. I’m based in San Diego and have exhausted my current resources with NAMI, club houses and such and I’m looking to take things like cognitive remediation, social skills training classes, etc. I can’t go to things like meet up dot com’s meet ups, although I do do that on occasion, because it’s a little challenging for me when it comes to socializing, but I’m looking for actual classes designed for schizophrenics.
Thank you all for your time.
I know this was kind of long winded, but I look forward to reading the answers and getting connected with people on here.