Her first evening here I had the guys over for a visit and they brought the puppy. I was introducing her to the puppy and the puppy was being calm and gentle and just moving in for a little sniff and Sweetie freaked out a bopped him one right on the nose. She spent most of the visit in her safe place in the back of my closet until my ex and the puppy left.
Once they were gone she did get brave enough to come out and get in my son’s lap for a few minutes for some lovings. Which was amazing.
Well last night I had the guys over for dinner and she spent the entire dinner out here with us. She got close to the puppy and just growled at him to keep him away, which worked because the puppy didn’t want to get bopped again. She’s not a scaredy cat. She cat hold her own.
she’s pretty great. I’ve spent half the money I had to get her. $80 to adopt her, $120 on supplies and $300 on the pet deposit. So now I’m broke. So I know what you mean about being able to afford it. But I think in my case it will be worth it to have the company since I’m all alone here.
She’s so adorable. She meows in her sleep. She’s sleeping on the back of the sofa behind me and every once in awhile she breaths out a little meow. So cute this one.
lol, you know I’m dreadful with names as I have a bad memory and adopted many years ago a bad habit of calling everyone sweetie, baby or princess. It’s only natural for me to name my cat one of these three things. My bearded dragon was Princess and my Aunt had a cat named Baby so…