My first night with Sweetie

She came under the blankies and got loves then came on top of the blankies and laid down next to me and we went to sleep. When I woke up I reached for her and she was still there, right beside me. When I touched her she came to life and started swirling all around for lovings. Then we got up and I gave her just a bit of wet food be cause she has such a small appetite. And she just licked the gravy off. lol. Silly kitty.


Aww im so glad she hs been able to be affectionate so quickly! That’s a rare and great skill for an older cat


yes, and yesterday, even though she was scared, she took a chance and Jumped in my son’s lap to get lovings


That is so awesome! You must make her feel very secure!

I saw on your othr thread that you want more places for her to hide. If you have any cardboard boxes,you can put an old shirt or blanket or towel in it, then put it in a corner or behind some furniture on its side so it makes a tiny house.


actually a delivery came last night, so I will have a perfect box for her today


Maybe try cat food in jelly. She might prefer that and it costs the same.

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like what brand is that? cus I really need to get some weight on her

Most brands have cat food in gravy or jelly. You can normally choose either whatever brand you buy.

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she eats like a bird

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ok, I’ll look when I go today

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It’s so nice having cats. I’m happy for you.

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Thank you. I’m slowly developing attachments to her and feelings. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a pet. My last pet was actually my son’s bearded dragon and you don’t really get warm fuzzies over a lizard. Although I loved and cared for her it’s just not the same as an animal you cuddle with. This morning I actually woke up laughing because Sweetie got her morning lovings and started licking my face. I actually felt joyful for a second.


That’s wonderful, @Leaf :blush:


That’s so sweet that she was licking your face.



That’s absolutely wonderful my foliage friend!

I’m glad you have a buddy. My dog helps me so I know how it feels.

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Glad to hear you are getting along so well already. Some cats seem to be skittish and seem to take awhile to warm up to a person/new environment. Seems like you got lucky.

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I’m so happy for you. I used to have cats that were very outgoing and affectionate. I miss them.

Now I have my little doggie to snuggle with, and he’s the best dog ever :slight_smile: But he gets jealous of my husband if we let him in our bed at night so we have his own bed at the foot of our bed. I tuck him in with a blanky every night.


oh how sweet! 1515

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yes, she’s really being brave. I’m proud of her. I think she’s well adjusted.


Sounds like she’s settling in well after that initial excitment. Good stuff!

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