Supplements and where to buy

Hi there :slight_smile:

I have seen link to where one can buy sarcosine online but where and how can one buy the other supplements?

Does this not get expensive?

I was just thinkIng about the cost. 14$ here ,10$ there. I take 4 supplements and there is about 100 capsules in each bottle. So maybe 14$ per month.

Thank you.

But where do you buy them?

Powdercity is good and cheap.

I buy most of mine at the local supermarket. Does save money that way and they have such a large selection.

Thank you.

Would be good if can buy this online.

I ordered sarcosine but not known where to buy the others.
Seems like it can add a bit to the budget but it may do a load of good and help and be worth it.

I bought my sarcosine from “BrainVitaminz”. If I had the money I would try a lot of supplements.

I use a lot of supplements. I order online from ,
there is a shipping fee.

I buy my supplements at my local pharmacy (100 meters from my place).