Subway tuna

They say they’re getting rid of the tuna sandwich at subway. I guess it’s not made of tuna.

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Where did you hear this? That is my “go to” sandwich. :dolphin::dolphin::dolphin:


The article is behind a pay wall. :deer::deer::deer:

That’s what my ex gets at Subway too

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Sorry I deleted it. I read the full article. Yesh, this writer proved it was.

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So it was not tuna? :turtle::turtle::turtle:

This Tuna story has been in the news for a while. Apparently someone tested the tuna and they couldn’t find tuna DNA in it so they couldn’t determine that it was Tuna.

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It’s still really good regardless.

Well, it’s cooked meat. DNA tests are designed for uncooked product. Proteins denature when heated, which skews testing. Basic science and very shoddy reporting on the part of the news organization that commissioned the tests.


I don’t care if it’s real tuna or not. That’s some good stuff. If they get rid of the tuna sandwich I’ll probably never eat their again.

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Me too. That is the only sandwich I get. :horse::horse::horse:

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There was an article that said subway meat contains 50% soybeans and soy protein. I am still eating subway anyways as its good.

Nothing wrong with soybeans

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I’m unsure why they don’t just use real tuna? Too expensive ? Dare I say it…it seems a bit fishy!


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