How many of your are studying during this quarentine? Do you can concentrate?
In my remote corner of the world, people are still working most jobs, including me. We haven’t got to the complete shutdown stage. If I was to study though, I’d like to finish my engineering degree. I’d have to start again from scratch, but my work/study ethic is a lot better than it used to be when I was in my early 20’s.
What are you studying?
Pharmacology. Well, now i’m procrastinating
I would like to learn how to study I’ve read books but my memory is extremely horrible and my willpower sucks. My memory is slowly fading away and there is nothing i can do about this it started six years ago.
Do you think the lack of concentration is a symptom thing or a more regular lack of interest at the current moment?
My memory fails too, i have to put an extreme effort in studying. If not, i can’t memorize
Lack of intrest for the most part because i do fine slacking off and playing video games i just need to cultivate willpower.
Yes. My next free online class is on autism.
I’m just so-so on my current knowledge.
I hope to get thru the first section today.
I am but it’s not a lot. I want to improve my concentration
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