İ m trying to study some calculus and c++ (a programming language) but i find difficult study.something hold me to not study.i just wonder have you guys can study continuesly ? What s your magic trick to study everyday continuesly ? Does making schedule is working?
Yes, but a higher priority for me is to have strong muscles and good aerobic endurance.
And I act accordingly.
When you keep the interest you can study everything.
Set a schedule and set up a space where you have no distractions. Printed materials and pen and paper are better than online or electronic materials as it reduces the temptation and ability to jump away from what you’re supposed to be doing. Also, practice makes perfect in this case.
On meds I can study for 2-3 hours a day.
I wouldn’t say i study. I am reading books to do something for my education, but the cultural choose what not to read these days.
I can’t do it now, but back when I was in school, I would jog before class, and then again after classes before studying. It got my endorphins kicking and helped with energy.
While studying, I kept the room slightly cool and sat on the edge of a hard chair so I didn’t relax. I graduated with a 4.0 perfect 100% average. Good luck!
I am reading war and peace. its not really studying. I’m fine. I don’t have a great memory though. I just finished a biography of Gandhi before that.
I currently have a hard time studying. My eyes lose focus easily. My mind wanders. I am able to read continuously for maybe 20 minutes, then I need a break.
I can, yes. I couldn’t though in the past. I even couldn’t read small articles
I haven’t really tried school in a long time. I think negative symptoms would make it a little difficult for me.
Unless if it was online school.
What changed? Why now can you read 500 pages?
I don’t know. If the subject of the book is interesting I can read for 5 or 6 hours without break.
Well, this is timely. My mark was just posted for the course I’ve been doing for the past two months:
Got somewhere between 75 and 79%. I’ll take that win, it was a tough course.
I can do all nighters when it is an especially hard course…
This semester I had problems reading for long periods.
I have issues focusing I’d say I could study for 2hours a day. Then a lack of motivation feeling might set in.
It’s a little weird, I don’t read for pleasure, or rarely anyways. It’s hard to stay interested in any book.
But I have no problem reading any textbook or novel for my college classes.
i found if I was studying too hard I started to get dissociated. probably stressed from studying would bring it up.
I can study but my memory is not so great.
I was studying pre-calculus, Java, and a bit of network sec.
remember to take breaks from studying. give the information some time to soak in.
I finished university spring 2019. That was the last time I studied. My grades went down significantly since sz, more in language related courses than math related courses.