Struggling with depression

Can’t deal with it. Feel so despondent.

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Your idea of getting a support cat is a good one FatMama, it will help take your mind off things and hopefully help with your depression too. Depression sucks big time, hopefully it will pass soon.


Has something happened recently, or have you been feeling this way for our some time?

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Hope you feel better @FatMama

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getting a cat sounds like an excellent idea. My cat is my best buddy


It doesn’t seem related to anything in particular. Chemical depression I guess


I just do some very, very light exercise. Like lifting your knees up 5 times. Bend over five times. Just to get the blood flowing through your body, and then take five deep breaths. It’s not a cure-all, but if you do it once in a while through the day I find it lessens the depression. It’s as simple as getting more oxygen to your brain and body sometimes I think


Good ideas. Thanks! My friend suggests I wiggle my toes lol.

My mental health worker wants me to make a wellness plan. Just thinking about it stresses me out.


If you can’t get a cat maybe a fish? Easy to take care and they are cool.
My fish is a beta fish , he will play tag with me if I go to one end of the tank to the other he just zooms :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I know there not cuddly but just an idea.
Or a bearded dragon too


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