Sir, I have less backbone than a jar of worms!
My psychosis is stronger than APs.
That i know for sure
I know anyone that had or has psychosis is stronger than most who never enjurned hardship
it makes prefect sense
I don’t adhere to “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.
Sometimes, what doesn’t kill you leaves permanent scars and chip away at your self worth
once we have good hearts
there is noting to worry about
we tryed our best in life
we are not bad people
Goodness isn’t a coin you put into a vending machine where good things come out in return.
Sometimes bad things happens to good people.
It’s ok to sometimes feel like you’ve been dealt a shitty hand.
life isn’t fair across the board
but each moment is a gift and blessing imo
each breath you take is a gift and blessing
even the chance to be born is a gift
to excist
a chance to make stuff better
Wow, you are so profound I’m suprised they haven’t named you the next dalai lama
I suffered and by doing that I let the light in
There can be a reason 4 everything in some ways
I reached a peace of mind in myself well mostly
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