I’m new here but just wanted some advice.
I’ve stopped taking my prescribed antipsychotics because I know the government are using them as a way to keep me from knowing the truth about the world and aliens. I don’t want to lie but I don’t know whether to tell my nurse about this as I don’t want to be forced into taking my medication. Can they do this? Does anybody else feel that we are medicated to keep us quiet? I feel I’m being followed, and it’s them checking I’m still on medication and stupid. If I tell my nurse and they overhear, I’m worried they may kill me to keep me quiet that way. Any advice would be so helpful right now
Hmm that sounds extremely familiar. took me a while to learn all those thoughts you mention are symptoms of the disease.
If you take the medicines, those feelings may go away.
Just work With your doctor, and a therapist to help you deal with your feeling because feelings are very real.
Government control is not real, please take your meds and that will go away.
Restart taking your meds. You are delusional. It will only get worse if you stay off your meds…then you will be sorry.
I think they can only physically force you to take psychotropic med’s in the hospital. You might be headed that direction. You’d have more options if you talked with your pdoc about some med’s that will help you.
Moved to Unusual Beliefs
I’m sorry you’re going through this, but believe me when I say that if thee is fact a truth about these issues we will all know eventually. If it’s you mind making it up, don’t trust it. Take your meds…
I’ve been there, done that. I used to visit websites where they encouraged that type of thinking. It’s all lies. The government aren’t trying to stop you from doing anything with regards to taking antipsychotic medication.
Please take your medication, and be honest with the doctors and nurses.
Take your Meds
The best thing to do would to be to restart your meds. Before they build a case for involuntary admission!
It can take a while for your meds to kick back in. You might find yourself in the meds change trap if they think your taking them and that there not working.
Do you have prn? To help if your struggling whilst building your Ap levels up?
We are individuals but we have a common illness and common symptoms, I have been there done that and regularly I have an urge or like alien thing to give up meds and then I must takes meds.
must take meds, it’s mandatory or compulsory for the time being ( research )
I thought I was smarter off the meds but it turns out, I became much dumber. Believing all that I heard in my head was telepathy made me believe the wildest nonsense, and believing my hallucinations were real apparitions just made me lost in delusion. To get the most of your mind with schizophrenia or in my case schizo-affective disorder, it’s really a matter of finding the right med for you, sticking with it and eventually going on the lowest workable dose. A good diet also, I believe, helps your mental condition, and some excercise. Going off your meds is a recipe for disaster in the form of psychosis, which causes brain damage.
I learned my lesson going off meds several times and each time I feel lucky I wasn’t too far gone. Please for your sake get back on meds.
Hi. I remember thinking that people were after me before I was on my medication. Once I took the meds I realised that no one was after me. If was you I would start taking my meds again.
Yeah just a overactive imagination.
It will take you time to go back on em that’s for sure, my voices persuaded me to take the pill it’s a great experience to learn from so when you feel ready or rock bottom make the decision, I didn’t want the meds to change me thought it made me dumb