Still suffering

I have been out of the Hospital for about a month. I am still facing the same stuff since I was released. Every day I keep hearing that the CIA is going to eventually abduct me. They plan to torture me for as long as they can. Today the voices said they would be surprised that I would make it through the next week. I’ve also heard them say They would be surprised I make it through the month. Every day I am scared and I’m trying my best to keep it together. Whenever I try to give myself hope… I get an experience which pretty much destroys that hope. I just wish someone could help me out of this.

Are you taking meds? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Yes I am taking meds… The Doctor keeps raising it and raising it…

Have you tried Clozapine? :fish::fish::fish:

I’m on Clozapine and Latuda

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The max dose of Clozapine is 900mg/day so maybe there’s still room to raise it. What dose of Clozapine are you currently on ?

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I would try to hang in there. Clozapine is a great med. Good luck to you. :zebra::zebra::zebra:

250mg Clozapine and 40mg of Latuda


Yeah that is a small dose. :leopard::leopard::leopard:

I used to think people were after me. I never narrowed it down to a specific agency but just blamed the government. I didn’t think I was sick at all. I thought there was a conspiracy against me.

Unfortunately it took about five years to get through the extreme paranoia phase and a little longer than that to figure out I was sick.

Do you accept your diagnosis and that you are sick?

Oh yes… I know without a doubt I have Schizophrenia… I have had it since 1992. It’s just this “episode” seems so real. More real than some of my experiences in the past.

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Well 1992 was a long time ago. No one has gotten you yet which means they probably aren’t going to. Insight helped me to get better. It’s key. Sounds like you have it.

I quit a job once and was psychotic as hell the government used to mess with my head. They told me I had to give 30 days notice and I said no you don’t understand I quit today.

I went back to my studio apartment and waited for hours and no one came. I was convinced they were coming. I was sure of it. No one ever came.

Finally I packed my car and left and drove home 7 hours straight through the desert with no AC psychotic and suicidal.

That was in 2013 and they still haven’t gotten me.

I don’t worry about it anymore.

My wife always tells me I can’t keep a job because sooner or later the government will find me. So I went to work for the government. They already know I am there.

Good luck.


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