Still can't trust myself

I can’t trust myself. It’s scary. When I’m out in public I ask myself if I’m in control of myself??

I keep reminding myself to take my meds. But still. The thought haunts me, am I sane or completely insane!?! The only thing that comforts me is the notion that I took my meds the previous day.


Yeah it works for me. Be clinical about it. Take same time everyday and it helps me because a. You forget and b. routine helps.

It’s never easy but keep on plodding along but regular is good on meds…if your struggling with symptoms then it’s time to talk to doc about increasing. It’s not ideal but sometimes it’s necessary.

Hang in there. It’s always a hard process. If it was easy we’d be doing great in society!


Oh it’s relatable to me… but last year or two are better for me - I gained more self confidence.

But overall… yeah, it’s about fearing yourself sometimes. Or sometimes fearing others. And it’s suuuper hard sometimes.

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Sounds like you are assuming the worst.

How many times have you actually lost it in public while not psychotic?


Good point!

I haven’t lost it once since I was put on meds.


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